
My Autographical Story
By Jordan Shaw

When I think about my life one of the most important and defining was starting Year 11 at St. Francis’ in 2014.

I have dyslexia which made school hard. It effected my self-esteem and I was often very anxious at school. Lumen Christi had good teachers, the best was Mr. McNally. He helped me a lot with my school and homework. I was really sad when he left Lumen Christi. My anxiety got worse and I got depressed and missed lots of school.

One day my Mum got a phone call from Mr. McNally asking if I wanted to come see his new school. When I first went to St. Francis it looked very old: the building was old, very dirty and abandoned. The grass out the front was dying and there were cobwebs everywhere. It didn’t look like a school at all. The school was quiet except for Rory who was his chatty and positive self. It felt so good to be there. I was nervous at first but slowly moved from sitting alone in the corner to sitting at the big table with everyone. I felt hope.

Then because of family issues and my medication I stopped going to school. I tried to get back. Mum would drive me past the school, Rory would come say hello in the car. My anxiety wouldn’t let me move, there was a giant wall that I couldn’t get over. When I heard of Rory’s passing, I was devastated. I had never felt so sad. I was angry at myself because I felt that I had let him down.

I’m back at St. Francis now and I’m finally back on track and hopeful again for my future.